Rosemary joined the group as part of the eRAPID team. Subsequently she led development of the eRAPID at Leeds Cancer Centre. She has worked on our international studies including SISAQOL-IMI developing recommendations for communication of patient reported outcomes from controlled clinical trials and is currently developing guidelines using consensus methods for the EORTC Item Library project.
Rosemary has a background in health services research, and a particular interest in patient experience and patient involvement in research. She was awarded a doctoral scholarship by the University of Bradford, and investigated how personal communities provide support and a sense of belonging to people living with visible facial differences.
Holch P, Absolom KL, Henry AM, et al. Online Symptom Monitoring During Pelvic Radiation Therapy: Randomized Pilot Trial of the eRAPID Intervention. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2023;115(3):664-676. doi:10.1016/j.ijrobp.2022.09.078
Kennedy F, Shearsmith L, Holmes M, Peacock R, Lindner OC, Megson M, Velikova G. 2022. ‘We do need to keep some human touch’—Patient and clinician experiences of ovarian cancer follow-up and the potential for an electronic patient-reported outcome pathway: A qualitative interview study. European Journal of Cancer Care. 31(2)
Marsh C, Peacock R, Sheard L, Lawton, R Testing a toolkit that uses patient experience feedback to improve care. Nursing Times [online]; 2021 117: 1, 39-43.
Sheard, L and Peacock, R. Fiddling while Rome burns? Conducting research with healthcare staff when the NHS is in crisis. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 2019 Dec 9. doi: 10.1108/JHOM-04-2019-0105. PMID: 32083407.
Marsh C, Peacock R, Sheard L, Hughes L, Lawton R. Patient experience feedback in UK hospitals: What types are available and what are their potential roles in quality improvement (QI)? Health Expect. 2019 Jun;22(3):317-326.
Peacock R, Holmes M, Absolom K, Warrington L, Rogers Z, Gibson A, Dickinson S, Clayton B and Velikova G (March 2019). “I would say the worst of it for me was the emotional side-effect”. Patients’ views of electronic symptom monitoring during chemotherapy. In The British Psychosocial Oncology Society’s (BPOS) Annual Conference. Vol. 28 (suppl S2.). Pp 9-22. Chester: Psycho-oncology.