
The questionnaire management system QTool was developed by X-Lab for the University of Leeds and is owned by the University. QTool was born from recognition that many researchers require the same generic questionnaire toolset and that the University would gain strategic advantage by building a single powerful questionnaire design and management system flexible enough to support the diversity of research needs across many clinical settings.

QTool is a powerful questionnaire design and management system flexible enough to support a wide diversity of research needs across many clinical settings. QTool includes all the features of a highly scalable, multi-user, multi-organisation application and provides a complete range of management features for clinicians and researchers to design, launch and manage PROMS style questionnaires such as those used in holistic needs assessment.

With training, a user can create a sophisticated digital questionnaire that can be completed by patients or clinicians over the internet using a web browser, on a variety of devices. QTool has the ability to support complex algorithms for calculating and graphing outcome measures based on multiple, interdependent questionnaires so, for example, results completed by a patient completing one questionnaire can determine the questions, scoring or scheduling of subsequent questionnaires. The graphing features allow the results of questionnaires to be presented to clinicians to show relative scoring, areas of concern and trends over time based on regular patient use. It also has the ability to maintain, adapt and clone from a bank of pre-existing questionnaire forms.

If you would like more information about QTool, please visit the QTool website at :
