PhD, MSc, BSc (Psychology)
Research Fellow
Phone: 0113 2067500
Lorraine is a Research Fellow interested in the measurement of patient reported outcomes in routine clinical practice, patient and staff engagement with symptom monitoring and patient experience during cancer treatment and cancer survivorship.
Lorraine is currently working on the eRAPID INSIGHTS project, exploring optimal methods of presenting patient reported data and using in-depth analysis methods to explore data from the eRAPID RCT to identify how the intervention works in practice. Prior to this, Lorraine led a service development to establish and evaluate eRAPID with metastatic breast cancer patients on hormone therapies with CDK inhibitors. She also worked on the PROMs work stream of the Macmillan Comprehensive Patient Records (CPR) study, which aims to investigate the impact of a cancer diagnosis and treatment by collecting PROMs data and linking this with data from individual hospital and primary care records.
Lorraine joined the group in 2010 as a research assistant, working on the eRAPID development grant and the subsequent eRAPID RCT in systemic therapy. During this time, she also undertook a part-time PhD exploring the patient perspective of routine symptom monitoring during cancer treatment, and completed this is 2018.
Presentations and Publications
- M. Di Maio, E. Basch, F. Denis, L.J. Fallowfield, P.A. Ganz, D. Howell, C. Kowalski, F. Perrone, A.M. Stover, P. Sundaresan, L. Warrington, L. Zhang, K. Aspostolidis, J. Freeman-Daily, C.I. Ripadmonti, D. Santini. (2022) The role of patient-reported outcome measures in the continuum of cancer clinical care: ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline. Annals of Oncology. DOI:
- Velikova G, Absolom K, Hewison J, Holch P, Warrington L, Avery K, et al. Electronic self-reporting of adverse events for patients undergoing cancer treatment: the eRAPID research programme including two RCTs. Programme Grants Appl Res 2022;10(01)
- Absolom, K, Warrington L, Hudson, E, Hewison, J, Morris, C, Holch, P, Carter, R, Gibson, A, Holmes, M, Clayton, B, Rogers, Z, McParland, L, Conner, M, Glidewell, L, Woroncow, B, Dawkins, B, Dickinson, S, Hulme, C, Brown, J, Velikova, G. Phase III Randomized Controlled Trial of eRAPID: eHealth Intervention During Chemotherapy. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2021, 39:7, 734-747.
- Warrington, L, K. Absolom, M. Conner, I. Kellar, B. Clayton, M. Ayres and G. Velikova (2019). “Electronic Systems for Patients to Report and Manage Side Effects of Cancer Treatment: Systematic Review”. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019; 21(1):e10875.
- Warrington, L, K. Absolom, P. Holch, A. Gibson, B. Clayton and G. Velikova (2019). “Online tool for monitoring adverse events in cancer patients during treatment (eRAPID): Field testing in a clinical setting”. BMJ Open. 2019;
- Warrington, L., Holch, P., Kenyon, L. et al. (2016) An audit of acute oncology services: patient experiences of admission procedures and staff utilisation of a new telephone triage system. Supportive Care in Cancer
- Warrington L, Absolom K, Velikova G. (2015) Integrated care pathways for cancer survivors—A role for patient-reported outcome measures and health informatics. Acta Oncologica
- P. Holch, L. Warrington, L. C. A. Bamforth, A. Keding, L. E. Ziegler, K. Absolom, C. Hector, C. Harley, O. Johnson, G. Hall, C. Morris & G. Velikova. Development of an integrated electronic platform for patient self-report and management of adverse events during cancer treatment. Annals of Oncology, Volume 28, Issue 9, 1 September 2017, Pages 2305–2311, Published: 23 June 2017
- Kate Absolom, Patricia Holch, Lorraine Warrington, Faye Samy, Claire Hulme, Jenny Hewison, Carolyn Morris, Leon Bamforth, Mark Conner, Julia Brown and Galina Velikova on behalf of the eRAPID systemic treatment work group. Electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and aDvice (eRAPID): a randomised controlled trial in systemic cancer treatment. BMC Cancer. 2017:318. Published: 8 May 2017
- Holch, P, Warrington, L, Potrata, B et al. (2016) Asking the right questions to get the right answers: Using cognitive interviews to review the acceptability, comprehension and clinical meaningfulness of patient self-report adverse event items in oncology patients. Acta Oncologica.