Marie Holmes

Marie Holmes

MSc Health Psychology (2011), BSc (Hons) Psychology (2010), Diploma Podiatric Medicine (1992)

Research Assistant

Phone: 0113 2067628


Marie joined the group in October 2014 as part of the eRAPID team. Prior to joining the group, she worked as a research project support officer within the Clinical Trials Unit and the Psychology Department at Bangor University focusing on follow-up care in gynaecological cancer, and the development and feasibility testing of a short biopsychosocial needs assessment tool within an outpatient oncology setting. She qualified as a Podiatrist in 1992 and worked within the NHS until 2007 before returning to full-time education.

Research Interests

Marie’s main research interests lie in health psychology, primarily stress and coping in chronic illness and disease.

Presentations and Publications

  • Holmes M, Rogers Z, Davidson S, Routledge J, Henry A, Franks K, Gilbert A, Velikova G. (March 2016) Seeking consensus from staff and patients on appropriate patient-reported outcome (PRO) items for radical prostate patients in the eRAPID (Electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and aDvice) project: a Delphi study. In The British Psychosocial Oncology Society’s (BPOS) Annual Conference Vol. 25. pp 1-22. Cambridge: Psycho-Oncology
  • Holmes M, Holch P, Rogers Z, Dickinson S, Davidson S, Routledge J, Henry A, Franks K, Gilbert A, Velikova G. (March 2016) Patient and relatives attitudes to the implementation of eRAPID (Electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and aDvice) during and after pelvic radiotherapy: A qualitative interview study. In The British Psychosocial Oncology Society’s (BPOS) Annual Conference. Vol. 25 pp 1-22. Cambridge: Psycho-Oncology
  • Rogers Z, Holch P, Holmes M, Davidson S, Routledge J, Henry A, Franks K, Gilbert A, Dickinson S, Velikova G. (March 2016) Healthcare Professional (HCP) attitudes to the implementation of eRAPID (Electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and aDvice) during and after pelvic radiotherapy: A qualitative interview study. In The British Psychosocial Oncology Society’s (BPOS) Annual Conference Vol. 25. pp 1-22. Cambridge: Psycho-Oncology
  • Warrington L, Absolom K, Holmes M, Rogers Z, Gibson A, Clayton B, Holch P, Carter R, Kellar I, Conner M, Velikova G (2016) Does the Patient Activation Measure (PAM) predict engagement with an online system for patients to report and manage symptoms during and after cancer treatment? In The British Psychosocial Oncology Society’s (BPOS) Annual Conference. Cambridge
  • Gibson A., Absolom K, Warrington L, Holch T, Holmes M, Clayton B, Rogers Z, Velikova G. (June 2015) An Overview of eRAPID: electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and aDvice. A Randomised controlled trial in systemic cancer treatment. In UK Clinical Trials Conference for Supportive Care in Cancer Research. Sheffield
  • Morrison V, Holmes M, Gollins S (2014) Assessing Needs in Cancer Patients: Unmet Needs and Feasibility of Assessment. In BPS Health Psychology Conference York: The European Health Psychologist, 16. p 553
  • Morrison V, Holmes M, Gollins S. (2014) Needs assessment in cancer: from development to the beginnings of implementation. In the British Psychosocial Oncology Society’s (BPOS) Annual Conference Preston: Psycho-Oncology, 23. p 8